Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Apocalypse soon

In 2012, THE GRAND odometer of Maya timekeeping known as the Long Count, an accumulation of various small time cycles, will revert to zero and a new cycle of 1,872,000 days (5,125.37 years) will begin. as the long-awaited "Y12" nears, tales of what will happen have proliferated on the internet, in point, and in movies. As a result, on December 21, 2012 thousands of pilgrems, many origanized "sacred tour" groups will flee to Chichen Itza, Tikal, and a multitude of other celebrated sites of ancient America. There they will wait for a sign from the ancient Maya marking the end of the world as we know it. Will it be a blow-up or a bliss-out? Doom or delight? That depends on wich of the New Age prophets-an eclectic collection of self-appointed seers and mystics one chooses to believe.
Many of the predictions begin in outer space. it is known that there is a black hole at the center of the milky way, and that in 2012 the sun will aline with the planeof the galaxy for the first time in 26,000 years, Then, accourding to the doomsayers, the black hole will throw our solar system out of kilter. Some say supergiant flares will erupt from the suns surface. propelling an extraordinary plume of solar particles earthward at the next peak of solar activity. Earth's magnetic field will reverse, producing dire consequences such as violent hurricanes and the loss of all electronic communication systems. And natural disasters from Hurricane Katrina to the Indian ocean tsunami? They are all related to this alignment, and the ancient Maya knew all about it. That's the bad news.
But there's also good news coming from Y12 visionaries. Some say that rather than cataclysm we're due for a sudden, cosmically timed awakening: we will all join an enlightened collective conciousness that will resolve the worlds problems. The winter sulstice sun is slowly moving towards the heat of the galaxy. On December 21 (or 23 depending on how you align calenders), when the sun passes the "Great Rift," a dark streak in the Milky Way that represents the Maya "Womb of Creation" the world will be transformed. Then we will reconnect with our cosmic heart.

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