Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Qaddafi Forces Push Rebels Back To Key Oil Town

Lybian government forces unleashed withering bombardment of the rebels outside a key oil town., pushing them back despite NATO reports that nearly a third of Mummar Al- Quaddafi's heavy weapons have been destoyed. The rebels managed to take part of the oil town of Berga the day before, aided by a international air campaign, but the rocket and artillery slavos unleashed on the rebels indecate the governments offinses capibilities remain very much intact. Rebel attempts to fire rockets and mortars against the government forces were met with aggressive counter bombardments that sent many of the rebel forces scrambling back all the way to the town of Ajdabiya, dozens of miles away. Matthew 5-21:22 Ye have heard that it had been said by them of old time, Thou shall not kill and who so ever shall kill shall be in danger of the Judgment. And who so ever shall say to his brother Racca shall be in danger of the council: but who so ever shall say thou fool shall be in danger of hell fire.

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